An eight-week consultation period offering residents the chance to help shape the future of South Kesteven opens on Thursday (29th February).
South Kesteven District Council’s Local Plan for 2011-2036 was adopted in January 2020, with a commitment to an early review allowing the council to consider changes in local housing requirements and provide an update on the provision of employment land and Gypsy and Traveller accommodation. The review will take the plan forward to 2041.
The Local Plan provides a vision for creating sustainable development in the District as well as proposed sites and planning policies.
SKDC Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning, Cllr Phil Dilks, said: “Consultation is an important part of the Local Plan review process and the views of the public are important to us.
“We would like to encourage residents to participate in shaping a key planning document for the District so that we can guarantee a Local Plan that addresses the issues we face and takes account of social, environment and economic factors.”
The review takes into account the Government’s proposed new method for calculating local housing need, which identifies that 701 new homes are required in South Kesteven each year which means by 2041, 14,020 new homes will need to be built in the District.
Cllr Dilks said: “The Government’s National Planning Policy Framework determines the housing need, not local authorities, and we need to acknowledge that more land for housing is needed than allocated in the current Local Plan. This draft Local Plan therefore proposes land allocations for housing and employment, on which we welcome your views”.
As part of an assessment of housing and employment land availability developers, landowners, agents, and the public were invited to submit potential sites and those suitable have been included in the draft Local Plan up to 2041.
Cllr Dilks said: “We have a current adopted Local Plan which provides a robust development framework for growth. This consultation on the draft updated Local Plan provides an opportunity for the community and other key stakeholders to let us know their thoughts on our proposed policies and land allocations.”
Consultation is taking place with the general public as well as a wide range of stakeholders including developers, landowners and statutory consultees.
The quickest and easiest way to provide comments is online using the consultation portal on the Council’s website:
If your unable to respond online you can send your comments to or Planning Policy Team, South Kesteven District Council, Council Offices, The Picture House, St Catherine’s Road, Grantham, NG31 6TT.
More information, including full details of public consultation events and the locations of printed information, can be found at:
All comments must be received by Thursday 25th April 2024.
Stakeholders can hear all about the proposed changes to South Kesteven’s Local Plan in two online public engagement events led by senior planning officers.
Assistant Director of Planning and Growth Emma Whittaker and Planning Policy Manager Shaza Brannon will present information about the plan and respond to questions. The events are:
Event 1: Wednesday 20th March 2024, 7.30pm-9.30pm
- Introduction to the Local Plan and the consultation
- Housing and employment
- Infrastructure
Event 2: Thursday 11th April 2024, 7.30pm-9.30pm
- Introduction to the Local Plan and the consultation
- Climate Change & Energy
- Environment
- Design
They will be broadcast live on the Council’s Public-I channel at and anyone can tune in to watch. There will be an opportunity to submit written questions during each session.
The Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning, Cllr Phil Dilks, said: “This document sets out the vision for development in South Kesteven for the next 17 years and it’s vital as many people as possible have the chance to understand and comment on the proposals.
“Not only will it help shape how the District looks it will also have a major impact on efforts to tackle climate change, protect and enhance the environment and create sustainable communities.
“We want South Kesteven to be a thriving district to live in, work and visit, and the Local Plan has a major role to play in achieving that vision.”

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