Our colleagues and specially trained security advisers at Counter Terrorism Policing in the East Midlands (CTPEM) have shared valuable insights on how we can all help support defeating terrorism when you’re out and about this winter.
We can all contribute – make sure you stay alert to the following:
• Anyone filming exits, entrances or security cameras.
• Unattended bags.
• Anything you hear or see, which doesn’t feel right.
To find out more, visit East Midlands Special Operations Unit (EMSOU)
Trust your instincts. Tell a member of staff, security or police.
You won’t be wasting our time and you could save lives.
Report online at gov.uk/ACT or call police to talk through your concerns, in confidence, on 0800 789 321.
In an emergency, always call 999.
Or if you’re travelling by train remember ‘See it. Say it. Sorted.‘
You should tell a member of rail staff or a police officer what you have seen. You can also call us on 0800 40 50 40, or text us on 61016. In an emergency, always call 999.
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