Anyone interested in standing as a district councillor in the May local elections is invited to a briefing session hosted by South Kesteven District Council.
All those who would like to help local people and shape the future of their community are welcome.
The briefing is at SKDC’s Council Chamber in Grantham on Wednesday 22nd February at 6pm, and will provide information to anyone thinking of becoming a local councillor about what this may involve.
Topics include:
How to be a councillor;
Services provided by South Kesteven District Council;
South Kesteven District Council’s committee structure;
How decisions are made.
Returning Officer Karen Bradford, who is also SKDC Chief Executive, said: “At the local elections on Thursday 4th May, SKDC will be electing all 56 members to the district council across 30 wards.
“To have effective, democratic local government, a council needs people who will represent their communities, make their voices heard, champion local services and help shape the future.
“A councillor can make a real difference to their local community and wider society in many ways. For example, you could be representing the views of local people to ensure the community gets the right services, supporting a resident with an issue, or helping to shape the community by driving ideas.
“Being a councillor is a varied and highly fulfilling role. You do not need any experience, or special qualifications, and you will gain new skills, experience and knowledge. Councillors receive an allowance and can work flexibly.
“Anyone who would like to know more is invited to attend this briefing session. There is no need to book as there should be ample space for everyone.”
The formal election process begins with the publication of the Notice of Election no later than 20th March.
Completed candidate nomination papers must be delivered by hand to the South Kesteven District Council Offices in Grantham by 4pm on Tuesday 4th April.”
Anyone who would like more information can contact the elections team on 01476 40 60 80 or visit online.
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