Still time to submit nominations for district and parish elections
Do you have an interest in improving your local community and helping others who live in the area?
If you do, why not stand as a district or parish councillor in the local elections on Thursday 2 May.
Nomination packs are available from the elections team at South Kesteven District Council which explain the process, the election timetable as well as matters relating to voting, campaigning and count arrangements.
Aidan Rave, Chief Executive and Returning Officer for the district, said: “There are many reasons why people want to be a councillor; to represent their community, raise issues that they feel passionate about, or to use their skills to help shape the future of the place they live.
“The notion of public service is subject to much debate and no small amount of criticism currently, but it remains a noble pursuit and one that enables people to actually change things for the better, rather than just talking about it.”
The election process began this week with the publication of the Notice of Election. Candidates now have until 4pm on Wednesday 3 April to submit completed nomination papers.
For the district elections nomination papers must be subscribed by a proposer, seconder and eight supporters who must be registered as local government electors within the relevant ward. For parish and town council elections, nominations must be subscribed by a proposer and seconder from the area of the parish.
For more information or to request a nomination pack contact Electoral Services at South Kesteven District Council on 01476 406080, email elections@southkesteven.gov.uk, specifying the ward or parish you wish to stand as a candidate, or visit our website www.southkesteven.gov.uk/elections2019
Completed papers for both district and parish council elections MUST BE DELIVERED BY HAND by 4pm on 3 April to the office of the Returning Officer, Customer Service Centre, Council Offices, St Peter’s Hill, Grantham, NG31 6PZ. Nomination papers received by post cannot be accepted.
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