South Kesteven District Council has set up a flood recovery fund with an initial £35,000 to help pay for the clean-up operation in the aftermath of Storm Henk
The storm’s impact has been felt across the District, with some areas to the south of the District being particularly hard hit.
There has been internal flooding reported at a total of 70 residential properties, 19 of which were Council houses. The hardest hit areas were Greatford and Tallington.
The recovery operation will begin on Monday with street cleaning, removal of debris and path clearance in Greatford. The clean-up team will move on to Tallington the following day.
The money will cover the cost of sandbags, portaloos for Greatford, clean-up costs, and general support for residents affected by flooding and other actions supporting the emergency response.
The Leader of SKDC, Cllr Richard Cleaver, said: “We reacted quickly as the situation was unfolding with officers on the ground making welfare visits and providing support and advice where it was needed.
“In response to this incident, I have today asked the Chief Executive to create a Flood Recovery Fund using an initial £35,000 from reserves immediately using delegated powers and Cabinet will review this and consider further measures at its meeting on 18th January.
“It is very frustrating to note that despite the number of homes and businesses flooded due to storm Henk, no emergency was declared within Lincolnshire and as a result no additional external funds will be made available to help with the recovery.”
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