A referendum will be held next Thursday (18th January) to give Corby Glen residents a chance to have their say on a key local planning document.
The Neighbourhood Plan for Corby Glen sets out guidelines for developers and householders who wish to build new properties or make changes existing buildings.
There is a simple “yes/no” question: “Do you want South Kesteven District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Corby Glen to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”
If a majority of those voting say “yes”, South Kesteven District Council will use it to help decide planning applications in Corby Glen Parish. The Neighbourhood Plan will then become part of the SKDC Local Plan. If more vote “no”, then planning applications will be decided without using it.
Background information regarding the Neighbourhood Plan and the consultation that took place last year can be found online at http://tinyurl.com/CorbyGlenplan. The documents can also be viewed at SKDC offices by making an appointment calling 01476 406080 or via email planningpolicy@southkesteven.gov.uk
Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning, Cllr Phil Dilks, said: “The Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan is an important document which will help shape the future of the community over the next decade and beyond. It is relevant to all those who value the long history, heritage and sense of community in the area.
“It presents planning policies which have a local context and covers a range of elements relevant to the village, including the design and location of new buildings, preservation of its traditional heritage, the conservation of landscape and countryside, community facilities, and more besides.
“My thanks go to Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee and the Parish Council for their work producing the draft plan which, if approved, will inform decision making and planning permission for years to come.”
Neighbourhood plans were introduced into the planning process by the Localism Act 2011. They aim to allow local communities to take responsibility for guiding development in their area.
The polling station is at Corby Glen Church Street Rooms, Church Street, Corby Glen NG33 4NJ and will be open from 7am to 10pm next Thursday, 18th January,
Voters will need photo ID when they arrive at the polling station.
A copy of the relevant documents can be viewed on the neighbourhood planning page of SKDC’s website at www.southkesteven.gov.uk/CGplan
Further general information on neighbourhood planning is available on the following websites www.gov.uk/neighbourhood-planning
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