New homes to meet demand for single-bedroom social housing in Stamford could get the go-ahead from South Kesteven councillors next week.
Cabinet is being asked to agree the contract with developers to build four apartments on land currently used for parking. Four new allocated spaces are included in the apartment project at Elizabeth Road.
Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning, Cllr Phil Dilks, said: “We recognise that housing need in Stamford is extremely high, and there are currently 250 people on the housing register with a single-bedroom requirement who want to live in Stamford.
“As we know, the private rental market in Stamford is high with similar flats currently available for between £695-£1,000 per month, which means there are few options for those with this requirement and on a low income.
“Unfortunately, it means then that young people and families then must move away from the area to find affordable housing. This makes it imperative that we provide more affordable housing options in this area.
“We are pleased to be able to start a process to bring more homes to meet the demand of specific groups of applicants on our Housing Register.”
Planning permission for this high quality, sustainable, social housing was granted in March 2022. The development comprises four one-bedroom, two-person apartments with associated landscaping, parking and refuse provision.
The recommendation to Cabinet is to award the £665,952 house building contract to D Brown Building Contractors Ltd via the Efficiency North tendering framework.
If Cabinet approves the decision, it is anticipated that building will start in October and take 30 weeks to complete.
Consultation on the project invited comments and feedback from the public, local ward members and other interested parties. Responses to the consultation is incorporated in the final design, which includes the parking and other enhancements.
This latest development in Stamford supports recently completed social housing schemes. They follow the successful SKDC developments in Kinoulton Court and Earlesfield Lane in Grantham, Meadow Close, Bourne and Trinity Road, Stamford.
The next major development for people on the SKDC Housing Register is expected to be 20 new homes, off Swinegate, in Grantham, comprising one and two-bedroom flats.
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