United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (ULHT) is encouraging our staff and patients to be vigilant against fraud across our hospital.
Fraud Awareness Month (FAM) is taking place in November across the Trust to coincide with International Fraud Awareness Week (16 to the 22 November 2014).
The month is designed to increase awareness of fraud related issues within the NHS and to create a culture where fraud and corruption against the NHS is not tolerated. ULHT is committed to making sure that such a culture exists within the organisation and will be reinforcing this message with a series of fraud awareness presentations as well as visiting wards and departments to discuss any concerns around fraud with staff.
Types of NHS fraud and offenders vary. For example, patients may attempt to avoid paying prescription charges by falsely claiming exemptions or claiming for travel expenses that they are either not entitled to or have not incurred. Staff may attempt to gain employment with false documentation, or claim pay for shifts they did not work, or work elsewhere whilst off sick from the Trust; and contractors may exaggerate or falsify records of NHS work or goods provided.
David Pratt, Director of Finance for United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “Fraud against the NHS is not a victimless crime because it takes valuable funds away from patient care. We want to send a clear message that fraud will not be tolerated in our Trust and we will support the prosecution of offenders.”
Local Counter Fraud Specialist at the Trust, Pete Riches, said: “The work to target fraud nationally has already recovered tens of millions of pounds of NHS money and led to many fraudsters being prosecuted throughout the country.
“However, we also need everyone who works for and uses the NHS to help us by recognising and reporting any fraud that does occur.
“The vast majority of people who work in and use the NHS are honest, but unfortunately there is a minority that try to defraud it of its valuable resources. We want to ensure that fraudsters are dealt with in the most appropriate manner.
“We also seek to recover money that have been defrauded. Where NHS staff are involved the Trust will also take disciplinary action and refer them to their professional body for further possible sanctions”.
To report suspected fraud or corruption at the Trust, please contact the Trust’s Local Counter Fraud Specialist on 01522 512512 extension 2680 or call the NHS Fraud and Corruption Reporting Line on 0800 028 40 60 or go online at www.reportnhsfraud.nhs.uk.
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