Residents of Gonerby Hill Foot and surrounding area gathered recently to protest
against the loss of a popular greenfield site off Belton Lane, Grantham. The area has
been earmarked in the SKDC local plan as a site for 628 new houses.
A Facebook group called Gonerby Hill Foot Community was started last month by
Councillor Paul Martin who represents Grantham, Arnoldfield, to coordinate a response,
and already has over 600 members. In addition, a website – www.sogs.co.uk (Save Our
Green Spaces) has been launched to provide information and hundreds of people have
signed an on-line petition.
Volunteers are also going door to door with a paper version of the petition, for those who may be unaware of the proposal or have no internet access.
“I can’t put into words how annoyed I am watching the rural areas of our town disappear,
and how much this will affect not only the people who live here now, but the impact on
future generations,” said Councillor Paul Martin. “We are currently in the consultation
phase for the SKDC plan, and people are angry and disappointed that there seems to
have been little consideration for the added traffic congestion, pollution, strain on our
health services, and loss of habitat for thousands of species of wildlife that will inevitably
result from this proposal in an area that is already being heavily developed. As a
community we must fight for our green open spaces.
“The main access points for this development are at the top of a hill, and in wintry
weather there would be only one way in and one way out, which is clearly unsafe,
impractical and not a viable route for public transport or emergency services. We are
determined to win the battle for Gonerby Hill Foot, and once we do there will be much
work to be done to protect it and the other areas for the future. The spirit of the
community is very strong, and we want SKDC to know that a clear message is being
sent out by residents of GHF that we will do everything possible to protect our homes
and the countryside.
“I would urge people to sign the petition by visiting http://www.sogs.co.uk/. In addition it
is very important that people officially register their objections by visiting
www.southkesteven.gov.uk/draft-local-plan-consultation before the deadline of 25 th April
Local resident Andrea McHugh from Vivian Close, said: “I have lived in this beautiful
greenfield area for over 20 years, and this is the second time that planners have tried to
develop the site. Permission was refused in 2011 following a residents’ campaign,
because the plans were flawed, and all the reasons for that refusal remain valid to this
day. This development would mean more traffic and congestion on our roads, loss of
valuable green space for exercise and health, which was so vital to residents during
lockdown, further risk of dangerous flooding on Belton Lane, and immeasurable
destruction of wildlife habitat.”
Local wildlife recorder Hayley Carmichael said: “These plans completely contradict the
Government’s recent edict regarding building on brownfield sites wherever possible
instead of our precious green spaces. Residents have recorded several important and
threatened species here such as skylarks, noctule bats, badgers, and insects such as
the wall butterfly, to name just a few. There are also several centuries-old trees: each
one supports thousands of species! Thorough, detailed ecological surveys need to be
carried out; so much UK wildlife is in decline, and we cannot afford to keep losing it due
to lazy planning.”
Andrea added: “We are very grateful to Councillor Paul Martin, who is working incredibly
hard on our behalf, and we urge residents to get behind this campaign and make their
objections known to SKDC before 25th April. This is not just a matter for GHF residents
but will impact all residents of Grantham and surrounding areas.”
For further information join the Facebook Group:
www.facebook.com/groups/gonerbyhillfoot or contact Councillor Paul Martin on 01476
212100 or email: contact contact@sogs.co.uk
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