After months of secrecy, it was recently announced by SKDC Cabinet Member for Growth, Helen Goral, that a consultation about the future of the Grantham Meres leisure centre will commence in January, ‘the busiest time of the year for centre use.’
Lee Steptoe, Labour Councillor for Earlsfield, said, ‘We have been told that there are three options: a smaller facility in the town centre, a refurbishment of the existing building, or the development of a new build facility on the current Meres’ site.
“The ward’s Labour councillors have secured a meeting with Cllr Goral and SKDC officers at the end of the month and will be very keen to find out the means that the consultation will take and its timespan.’
‘Cllr Clack and I represent the most deprived ward in the district, and indeed the UK on many socio-economic measures. The leisure centre represents the hub of the community.
“To move it would be scandalous and further hollow out a local community that is crying out for investment. Any consultation must put the ward at its heart and not be purely online, as a significant minority of the community does not have online access.
Local Labour will campaign for a new leisure centre on the current site, or major investment in the current facilities as a minimum. We will oppose a relocation out of the ward based on cost cutting.’
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