Registered between 6 – 10 May 2024
S24/0515 Long Bennington Parish Submission of details reserved by planning conditions 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 of S23/0095 (Erection of two semi-detached dwellings to the rear 90-94 Main Road). Applicant: Mr Liam Alvey, Hemisphere Homes Limited 151 Main Street Woodborough NG18 5EJ
S24/0707 Grantham Submission of details in relation to conditions 3 (Joinery) S23/0613 (Restoration andrepair of windows, with some replacement windows and window features).Applicant: Ms C Martin60 Manthorpe Road Grantham NG31 8DN
S24/0710 Honington Parish Conversion of a historic building to dwelling. Stone Acre Main Street Honington NG32 2PG; Applicant: Ms K ColemanC/O Plan It Design Limited Richmond House Long Bennington NG23 5JR
S24/0713 Harlaxton Parish Submission of details required by conditions 3 (Soft landscaping) and 6 (Sustainablebuilding measures) of S23/1117 (Replacement Dwelling).Applicant: Mr & Mrs PearsonFourwinds Main Road Harlaxton NG32 1HJ
S24/0721 Londonthorpe And Harrowby Without Parish: Proposed erection of 1x two-bedroom single storey residential dwelling withassociated new vehicle access at 33 First Avenue Grantham NG31 9TL; Applicant: Mr Roger Benton33 First Avenue Grantham NG31 9TL
S24/0734 Long Bennington Parish Submission of details in relation to conditions 3 (materials), 4 (constructionmanagement), 5 (surface water and foul drainage), 6 (soft landscaping), 7 (hard landscaping), and 8 (sustainable construction) of S20/1563 (Erection of Six Dwellings). 35 Church Street Long Bennington NG23 5ES; Applicant: Mr D Shaw Ablehomes Limited 4 Castlegate Newark NG24 1AX
S24/0740 Grantham Approval of details reserved by conditions 3 (materials) and 4 (SB1) of S22/2279(Erection of 6 dwellings with associated vehicular access). Old Shirley Croft Development Site Harrowby Road Grantham NG31 9EA; Applicant: Mark Howard Grange Developments Park Barn Home Farm Close Burley on the Hill LE15 7ST
S24/0741 Grantham Proposed two storey extension to the side and single storey extension to rear ofexisting dwelling.Applicant: Mr Simon Bolland117 Harrowby Lane Grantham NG31 9LN
S24/0746 Barkston Parish Proposed new timber garage/workshop. Applicant: Mr A GardnerNew Bungalow Adjacent to No. 2 Hough Road Hough Road BarkstonNG34 7DP
S24/0749 Grantham Creation of doorway to link hotel with No 6 High Street.Applicant: Mr Dean HarrisonAngel & Royal Hotel3-5 The Angel And Royal Hotel High Street Grantham NG31 6PN
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