Registered between 02 and 05 April 2024
S24/0240 Barrowby Parish Outline planning application for the erection of a Community Centre (Use Class F2b)(All matters reserved) Former Royal British Legion Club Low Road Barrowby NG32 1DB; Applicant: Mrs Julie MossBarrowby Parish Council14 Riverside Walk Bottesford NG13 0AT
S24/0248 Grantham Siting of storage container at Scout Hall Earlesfield Lane Grantham NG31 7NT; Applicant: Mr Roy Matthews291 Harlaxton Road Grantham NG31 7SN
S24/0308 Grantham Re-opening of side door opens on to Kings Walk. Reinstatement will include using areclaimed door and repair of all brickwork surrounding the doorframe using limemortar.; Applicant: Mrs Eleanor EatonCQMS Investments Ltd12-13 Westgate Grantham NG31 6LT
S24/0389 Barrowby Parish Proposed 2 storey detached dormered dwelling on land North Of 1 Manor Road Barrowby NG32 1BB; Applicant: Mr Tim LeesFair View Low Road Barrowby NG32 1DJ
S24/0505 Belton And Manthorpe Parish Londonthorpe And Harrowby Without Parish 2 x admission signs, 2x orientation signs, 3x finger pointer signs and 2 x trail headsigns; Applicant: National TrustBelton House The Drive Belton Lincolnshire NG32 2LS
S24/0525 Grantham Submission of part of details reserved by Condition 11 (Hard Landscaping) ofS16/2816 at Rectory Farm Barrowby Road Grantham NG31 8NU; Applicant: Rebecca SmithVistry East AngliaAshurst Southgate Park Bakewell Road Peterborough PE2 6YS
S24/0526 Rippingale Parish: Siting of a mobile home; Applicant: Mr A PellFir Tree Barn Fen Road Rippingale PE10 0TG
S24/0544 Easton ParishFor the redevelopment and updating of an existing waste water treatment facility andthe installation of an anaerobic digestion plant with capacity to produce 5mw ofrenewable energy at Christian Salvesen Ltd Burton Lane Easton LNG33 5AU; Applicant: Lincolnshire County CouncilCounty Offices Newland Lincoln LN1 1YL
S24/0533 Harlaxton Parish Proposed replacement single storey rear extension. Applicant: Mr & Mrs Moskalik3 Manor Croft Rectory Lane Harlaxton NG32 1HD
S24/0535 Swayfield Parish Proposed second storey side extension.Applicant: Mr and Mrs DeardenHighfield Barn 35 Overgate Road Swayfield NG33 4LG
S24/0538 Corby Glen Parish Use of the property for Class B2/B8/E purposesApplicant: Mr Tom WireStag Storage The Sawmill Station Road Corby Glen NG33 4LB
S24/0547 Long Bennington Parish Single storey rear extensionApplicant: Mr And Mrs Tom Oliver31 Winters Lane Long Bennington NG23 5DW
S24/0563 Corby Glen Parish Approval of details required by condition 3 of S22/2335 (Installation of solar PVpanels on the south-facing pitch of the north roof) Applicant: Mr Jeremy SmithThe Mount 7 Irnham Road Corby Glen NG33 4NB
S24/0555 Londonthorpe And Harrowby Without Parish Single storey side and rear extension to care home (Use Class C2) and internalchanges to reduce 10 room to 6 rooms AT Belton Lodge Nursing Home 213 Belton Lane Grantham NG31 9PW; Applicant: Rehability UKC/O Anjum Design Ltd 435 Stratford Road Solihull B90 4AA
S24/0558 Colsterworth Parish 2 storey extension to the rear of an existing dwelling Applicant: Mrs Joanne SmithersYork House 26 Bourne Road Colsterworth NG33 5JE
S24/0560 Barrowby Parish Single storey extension to front, rear and side of existing bungalow.Applicant: Miss Rebecca LyonScalford Lodge Low Road Barrowby NG32 1DD
S24/0561 Barrowby Parish Section 73 application to vary condition 4 (materials) of S23/1162 (Change of usefrom commercial to residential. Converting the Old Post Office back to a residential dwelling, including internal and external alterations). Barrowby Post Office 5 High Road Barrowby Lincolnshire Kirton Holme PE20 1TW
S24/0564 Long Bennington Parish Prior Notification for larger rear extension.Applicant: Mrs Nicola Craven Langdale House 25 Manor Drive Long Bennington NG23 5GZ
S24/0567 Skillington Parish Section 211 notice to fell and replace 15x Leyland CypressApplicant: Graeme ParnellShepherds Barn The Square Skillington NG33 5HB
S24/0573 Grantham Proposed single storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling.Applicant: Mrs Margaret Ward1 Vivian Close Grantham NG31 8JN
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