Registered between 12 to 16 June 2023
S23/0205 Grantham Crown lift conifer by 3m, sever ivy 1m above ground level and remove. At Queen Elizabeth Park, Hill Avenue Grantham NG31 9BB; Applicant: Mrs Sharon Haythorn SKDC
S23/0487 Carlton Scroop Second tier to the outside section of the existing driving range.Applicant: Mr Tim HuttonSudbrook Moor Golf ClubThe Barn, Charity Street Carlton Scroop NG32 3AT
S23/0630 Grantham Proposed side and front extension.Applicant: Mr & Mrs Glencross17 Tattershall Close Grantham NG31 8SU
S23/0657 Colsterworth Restoration works to the River Witham floodplain Old Post Lane, Colsterworth; Applicant: Mrs Gail TaltonEast Mercia Rivers Trust, Loddington House Main Road Loddington LLE7 9XE
S23/0665 Harrowby Without Non material amendment in relation to S22/1229 (Proposed two storey sideextension) including changes to use of materials, fenestration and internal layout; Applicant: Miss Tracy Thorp52 Kenilworth Road Grantham NG31 9TX
S23/0813 Stainby Discharge of Condition 6 (Landscaping) of S22/2477 (New manege for private use) At Tower Hill Farm Water Lane Stainby NG33 5QY; Applicant: HSSP Architects Limited Pera Business Park Nottingham Road Melton Mowbray LE13 0PB
S23/0844 Long Bennington Addition of dormer window to loft; Applicant: Mrs Nicola Holmes20A Costa Row Long Bennington NG23 5DY
S23/0877 Woolsthorpe by Belvoir Section 73 application vary condition 2 (approved plans) of planning approvalS21/0543 (Erection of 1 new two-storey dwelling). Land Adjacent To Greyhound Cottage Main Street Woolsthorpe By Belvoir; Applicant: Mr D BaldwinUnit 2 Richmond House Long Bennington Business Park Newark NG23 5JR; Plan-It Design LtdRichmond House Main Road Long Bennington Newark NG23 5DJ
S23/0896 Harrowby Two storey rear extension to dwelling.Applicant: J and S Parkin and Ibberson, 4 Hall Cottages Hall Lane Harrowby NG31 9HA
S23/0927 Great Gonerby Non-material amendments in relation to S19/2217.Applicant: Mr John Neale41 Long Street Great Gonerby NG31 8LW
S23/0929 Ancaster Demolition of existing carport, construction of side extension and conversion ofgarage; Applicant: Mr and Mrs D Heeps14 St Martins Way Ancaster NG32 3RA
S23/0932 Ancaster Two storey side and rear extension. Single rear extension, including part demolitionof attached outbuilding at 8 Hillside Ancaster NG32 3PX; Applicant: Mrs A Bristow C/o Plan It Design Limited Richmond House Long Bennington NG23 5JR
S23/0942 Grantham Side ground floor extension of the dwelling.Applicant: L Ellis9 Darley Dale Crescent Grantham NG31 8EH
S23/0944 Castle Bytham Provision of new external steps; Applicant: Mrs. Elaine Heppolette-Milne20 Station Road Castle Bytham NG33 4SB
S23/0969 Castle Bytham Submission of details reserved by condition 3 (surface and foul drainage) ofplanning application S21/1630 (Erection of single dwelling and associated garagewith car port.) at Quarry Barn 60 Station Road Castle Bytham NG33 4SJ; Applicant: Mark HodgeSchool House 45 Station Road Castle Bytham NG33 4SJ
S23/0949 Caythorpe Section 73 application to vary condition 2 (Approved Plans) and remove condition 12(Obscure glazing) of S19/2044 (Erection of single dwelling, detached garage andassociated works) at Golden Acre 27 Old Lincoln Road Caythorpe NG32 3DF; Applicant: Mr Will Hollingworth, Hollingworth Developments Ltd.10 Guilford Lane Brant Broughton LN5 0SQ
S23/0955 Castle Bytham The erection of a dwelling (Resubmission) at Plot 7 Adjacent To Plot 1 Holywell Road Castle Bytham NG33 4SL; Applicant: Mr Mark Nicholson Oakwood Homes Ltd 191 Fengate Peterborough PE1 5BH
S23/0958 Grantham Proposed 15m 5G telecoms installation: H3G street pole and additional equipment cabinets at Barrowby Road Grantham NG31 8AE; Applicant: Mr Cameron Wilson CK Hutchison Networks (UK) Limited 450 Longwater Avenue Reading RG2 6GF
S23/0984 Corby Glen Intention to install fixed line broadband electronic communications apparatus at Tanglewood Cottage 45 High Street Corby Glen NG33 4LU.Applicant: Praneetha BOpenreach
S23/0977 Foston The proposal would provide residential accommodation for 4 months during harvestto carry out farming operations on the wider siteApplicant: Mr Charles BruntonLodge Farm Newark Hill Foston NG32 2LQ
S23/0990 Grantham Submission of details pursuant to Condition 3 (Archaeological Investigations) of planning permission S22/1984 (Erection of three-storey townhouse (to provide 3no flats) Land Adj. 15 Swinegate Grantham NG31 6RJ; Applicant: Mr Lee Cooper All Construction Contractors Ltd Room 7 Elmer House Finkin Street Grantham NG31 6QZ
S23/0991 Corby Glen 211 notice to remove epicormic growth from Sycamore tree T0117.Deadwood and removal of epicormic growth and inspection of another SycamoreT8803. Epicormic removal around the base and statutory highways clearance toLime Tree T058 at Playground Station Road Corby Glen NG33 4LA; Applicant: WoodmanCorby Glen Parish CouncilCorby Glen NG33 4LA
S23/0992 Corby Glen: Section 73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of S20/1861 (Section 73Application to vary Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of S20/0626. Further internalalterations, erection of garden sheds and further external alterations includingreplacement windows to southern elevation. Replacement gates and alterations toproposed garage and annexe).Applicant: Maria Silabon And Toby Leete8 High Street Corby Glen NG33 4LX
S23/1062 Corby Glen Section 19 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of S22/1888 (Section 19Application to vary Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of S20/0627. Further internalalterations, erection of garden sheds and further external alterations includingreplacement windows to southern elevation. Replacement gates and alterations toproposed garage and annexe).Applicant: Maria Silabon And Toby Leete8 High Street Corby Glen NG33 4LX
S23/0997 Long Bennington Proposed two storey side extension, new dormer window and external works.Applicant: Katie and Michael Hinder2 Costa Row Long Bennington NG23 5DY
S23/0998 Grantham Increase in House of Multiple Occupancy from 6 single occupancy rooms to 8 at 11 St Catherines Road Grantham NG31 6TS; Applicant: Mr J GillJG Properties LtdC/o Unit 2 Richmond House Long Bennington Business Park Main Road, LongBennington NG23 5JR
S23/1000 Hough-On-The-Hill Two storey side and front extension and single storey rear extension and externalalterations.Applicant: Mr D. PeasantGrange Farm Cottages Grange Lane Hough On The Hill NG32 2AL
S23/1003 Kirkby Underwood: Outline application with all matters reserved for erection of a 4 bedroom detachedhouse with separate double garage at Homeleigh The Green Kirkby Underwood PE10 0SF; Applicant: John Bard20 Saxon Way Bourne PE10 9QX
S23/1006 Great Gonerby Single storey porch to front elevation.Applicant: Mrs Sandra McKeown20 Covill Close Great Gonerby NG31 8PP
S23/1007 Frieston: Section 211 notice to reduce Silver Birch (Betula Pendula) by 2 m. Ash (FraxinusExcelsior) – reduce by 2-2.5 m to previous pruning cuts.Applicant: Mr Julian BrownPark House Hough Road Frieston NG32 3DA
S23/1008 Castle Bytham Proposed change of use from annexe to separate dwelling.Applicant: Mr BurrellZetland House Little Bytham Road Castle Bytham NG33 4QW
S23/1012 Claypole Proposed 2 storey side and front extension including proposed detached garage at Ashlea Doddington Lane Claypole NG23 5AT.Applicant: Mrs Ricky MaynardRJM Design StudioThe Grange Brandon Road Hougham NG32 2AF
S23/1023 Grantham Outline application for the erection of up to 400 dwellings, public open space (including outdoor sports pitches, an associated community pavilion (Use Class F2), outdoor fitness stations, and play areas), internal circulation routes and associated drainage and utilities (Access for approval only) at Rectory Farm Barrowby Road Grantham NG31 8NU; Applicant: C/o Agent Vistry Group David Lock Associates 50 North Thirteenth Street Milton Keynes MK9 3BP
S23/1026 Grantham Reserved Matters Approval relating to scale, layout, design, appearance and landscaping pursuant to 22/00275/FUL Proposed hybrid planning application for the proposed Grantham to Bexwell Pipeline Scheme with full planning consent sought for a proposed 95k pipeline and 4 kilometer spur, and outline consent for associated above ground infrastructure at Elton and Welby Heath. Applicant: Peterborough City Council Sand Martin House Bittern Way Fletton Quays Peterborough PE2 8TY
S23/1025 Castle Bytham Section 211 notice to fell 1x Weeping Silver Birch (T1).Applicant: Mr John Ellis5 Counthorpe Lane Castle Bytham NG33 4RF
S23/1035 Woolsthorpe by Belvoir Submission of details pursuant to conditions 4 (materials) and 5 (surface and foulwater drainage) of S21/0543 (Erection of 1 new two-storey dwelling) on Land Adjacent To Greyhound Cottage Main Street Woolsthorpe-By-Belvoir NG32 1LX; Applicant: Mr D Baldwin Unit 2 Richmond House Long Bennington Business Park NG23 5JR
S23/1038 Long Bennington: Construction of a concrete footpath extension to St Swithun’s churchyard (extension) tomatch the existing.Applicant: Mr Phillip OwenLong Bennington PCCC/o St Swithun’s Church Church Street Long Bennington NG23 5EU
S23/1040 Harrowby Without T1 – Crown lift oak to around 5.2m above ground level and reduce entire canopy oftree by around 20% making sure to take back growth to suitable pruning cuts.Applicant: Mr Stuart Sayer11 St Pierre Avenue Grantham NG31 9FH
S23/1042 Grantham Thermally insulate the external solid walls and apply renderApplicant: Alla Ushakova64 Dudley Road Grantham NG31 9AA
S23/1043 Dunsby Single storey side/rear extension.Applicant: AgateThe Hollies Main Road Dunsby PE10 0UB
S23/1044 Barrowby Lime Tree T1 – reduce crown spread by 3m in each direction, reduce height by 5mto 13m.Applicant: Mrs Katherine KinnearRocklands Casthorpe Road Barrowby NG32 1DW
S23/1071 Grantham Section 211 notice to remove T1 – T5 Conifers to ground level. T6 White Beam -remove to ground level. T7 Cherry – remove to ground level.Applicant: Mrs KayaBelvoir House Nursing Home Brownlow Street Grantham NG31 8BE
S23/1072 Barkston Erection of 60-bed Care Home (Use Class C2) with associated access, car parking and landscaping, following demolition of the existing dwelling and ancillary buildings at The Gables Honington Road Barkston NG32 2NG. Applicant: Mr. Amit Kainth DWA Architects (London) Ltd. C/o DWA Architects (London) Ltd. Cyclops House Osbaldwick Link Road York YO10 3JB
S23/1077 Caythorpe Section 73 application to vary condition condition 5 (archaeological investigations) ofS20/1018 (Alterations, repair and extension to existing dwelling (Block 1) facing onto Church Lane. Demolition of two buildings (Blocks 2 and 3) and replacement semi-detached dwellings built within the footprints. 3no. additional dwellings (Terrace,Blocks 4,5 and 6) built within the rear of the site. Parking areas and access into sitewith landscaping and boundary treatments). The Old Coach House 6A Church Lane Caythorpe NG32 3DU; Applicant: Mr Peter Sandy Springfield Lincoln Road Fulbeck NG32 3LQ
S23/1085 Frieston Holly Tree (Ilex Aquifolium) – reduce by 2-2.5 m.Applicant: Mr Julian Brown Park House Hough Road Frieston NG32 3DA
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