Registered between 17 – 21 April 2023
S23/0264 & S23/0265 Ancaster Erection of link extension between dwelling and outbuilding, conversion ofoutbuilding to form additional accommodation and internal alteration also Listed building consent for the erection of link extension between dwelling and outbuilding, conversion of outbuilding to form additional accommodation and internal alterations including the removal of internal walls (in part) and enlargement of at 47 Ermine Street Ancaster NG32 3QJ; Applicant: Mr. Steve TurnerSteveTurnerDesign8 Pond Street Harlaxton Grantham NG32 1HW
S23/0392 Grantham Change of use of a detached residential garage to a beauty salon.Applicant: Mrs Jessica Bruin, Serenis Beauty, 209 Dysart Road Grantham NG31 7LH
S23/0413 Dry Doddington Change of use of two ground floor side rooms and a section of the rear beer gardenof the Wheatsheaf Inn to residential use to form part of Wheatsheaf Cottage.; Applicant: Mr Barry WoodwardTavern Group Properties Ltd48 Church Street Long Bennington NG23 5EN
S23/0567 Grantham Rear ground floor extension to dwelling. Applicant: Mr and Mrs J and C Landy 20 Eyam Way Grantham NG31 7FT
S23/0576 Grantham Convert existing garage to living space at 23 Hazelwood Drive Grantham Lincolnshire NG31 8GZ, removing existing garage doors andreplacing with windows.; Applicant: Mr & Mrs Richard Kufluk-Thackery
S23/0594 Caythorpe Demolition of existing detached garage and rear conservatory and erection of singlestorey side and rear and two storey side extensions.Applicant: Dr Stewart MundayPrimrose Cottage Waterloo Road Caythorpe NG32 3DX
S23/0600 Harlaxton Approval of details reserved by Condition 3 (materials) of S22/1032 (formation ofagricultural access). The Drift Harlaxton GNG32 1AE; Applicant: Mr G Cakebread45 Low Road Barrowby NG32 1DB
S23/0601 Belton The proposal includes the removal and replacement of a modern timber and metal tube built jetty adjacent to the listed boathouse at Belton House and within the registered Belton House Park and Garden. A new purpose built jetty is proposed to be constructed to aid the offering of punting within the river at Belton. Details of the construction are contained within the appendices of this application. Applicant: Mr Ben Freeman The National Trust Belton House.
S23/0604 Belton Visitor access and parking improvements to Belton House, including: new parking layout with electric vehicle charging points, improvement of surface water drainage, hard and soft landscaping, installation of new fences/railings, construction of 2no. new ticket kiosks, alteration of existing visitor reception building to provide Changing Places WC and covered storage for mobility buggies. Applicant: C/O David Munslow National Trust Attingham Consultancy Hub Attingham Park Shrewsbury SY4 4TP
S23/0613 Grantham Restoration and repair of windows, with some replacement windows and windowfeatures.Applicant: Ms C Martin60 Manthorpe Road Grantham NG31 8DN
S23/0639 Ropsley Non Material Amendment for change in materials on elevations rear and side fromrender to brick as permitted by p/p S22/0959.Applicant: Mr J Chandler12 Grantham Road Ropsley NG33 4BU
S23/0649 Ancaster Submission of details in relation to Conditions 4 (Archaeology) and 5 (Soft Landscaping) of S22/1826 Development of grain store with biomass boiler and roof mounted pv panels, agricultural machinery store, site office and hardstanding at Sudbrook House Farm High Dike Ancaster NG32 3RJ. Applicant: Mr Martyn & James Simpson Yewtree Cottage High Dike Ancaster NG32 3RJ
S23/0653 Grantham Erection of first floor extension above garage and single storey ground floor extension. Applicant: Mr S Miller Stephenson House 88 Stephenson Avenue Grantham NG31 8QB
S23/0660 Oasby Replacement of front/northern boundary wall atFolly Farm Cottage Village Street Oasby NG32 3NA Applicant: Mr S RichardsonGelder GroupThe Gelder Group Tillbridge Lane Sturton By Stow LN1 2DS
S23/0672 Claypole Approval of detilas in relation to conditions 2 (materials), 3 (boundary treatments), 4(archaeology), 5 (levels), 6 (hard landscaping) and 8 (materials) of S21/0155(APP/E2530/W/22/3290717) Erection of 4 dwellings including partial domolition ofexisting farm yard at Orchard Farm Main Street Claypole NG23 5AD; Applicant: J Swallow And OthersC/o Agent McAfee Design Ltd 5 St Andrews Road NG3 5BP
S23/0675 Grantham Proposed single storey side & rear extensions, including demolitions of existing conservatory to rear, and garage / side extension.; Applicant: Ms Perkins 14 Edinburgh Road Grantham NG31 9QU
S23/0677 Grantham To reduce Lime tree by 4 meters and reshape, to crown lift to 6m, and to removedead branches.Applicant: Herbert, Ship House,16 Welby Gardens Grantham NG31 8BN
S23/0678 Grantham Scout – T1 – To reduce height of 1no lime tree by 6 metres which is a 50% reduction.Applicant: RuggSecond Grantham Scout Group Broad Street Grantham NG31 8AP
S23/0681 Haconby Proposed barn conversion and covered walkway.Applicant: Mr & Mrs Dishington6 Walters Cottage Hall Road Haconby PE10 0UY
S23/0684 Grantham Submission of details in relation to Condition No.3 (scaffolding details) of S22/2075(The cleaning and repair of stonework to the front (Westgate) elevation, thereplacement of existing windows & rooflights, repair and replacement of existingexternal doors to the front elevation, removal of oriel window and reinstatement ofbrickwork along the original footprint of the rear elevation, the replacement of non-original internal doors, the repair of any doors identified as historic and anynecessary structural repair works including erection of scaffolding). Westgate Hall Westgate Grantham NG31 6LT; Applicant: Ms Louise Mumford Grove Farm Langworth Road Scothern LN2 2UP
S23/0691 Swinstead Alterations to rear extension to include the removal and replacement of two windows, remove flat ceiling and replace with sloping ceiling, remove internal wallsand doors, change bathroom suite and utility units. Applicant: Mr & Mrs Michael Sylvester 28 High Street Swinstead NG33 4PA
S23/0699 Caythorpe T1 lime – Pollard tree to reduce height from 20m to 10m to leave a standing stem at Caythorpe County Primary School High Street Caythorpe NG32 3DR; Applicant: Mr Andy Evans, C. I. T. Academies, Community Inclusive Trust Warwick House Long Bennington Business Park LongBennington NG23 5JR
S23/0706 Castle Bytham Single storey extension and alterations to dwelling.Applicant: Mr & Mrs G Williamson22 High Street Castle Bytham NG33 4RZ
S23/0749 Millthorpe Proposed two storey side and rear extension with proposed link, conversion of outbuildings and alterations. Applicant: Mr & Mrs Richardson Grove Farm West End Swaton NG34 0JL
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