Elections are to take place on Thursday 2nd May, when the whole of Lincolnshire goes to the polls to elect a Police and Crime Commissioner, while residents of Grantham have the chance to elect the first Parish Council in 50 years.
Police and Crime Commissioners are democratically elected every four years. Guidance for prospective candidates can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/PCCelections
Twenty-two new Grantham parish councillors will be elected, comprising four for St Vincent’s ward and three councillors for each of the remaining wards. For those who wish to stand for election, nomination packs will be available from early March, which can be submitted from March 22nd.
SKDC Chief Executive and Returning Officer for the Grantham Parish Council election, Karen Bradford, said: “The work of SKDC shows clearly how councillors can make a real difference to their local communities.
“Elections for the new parish council will give local people the chance to put themselves forward to help decide local issues.
“Anyone interested in standing should get in touch with SKDC’s Elections team who can explain the process and assist with all aspects of what they must do to appear on the ballot paper, including the paperwork, campaigning and count arrangements.
“The election timetable begins with the publication of the Notice of Election on March 22nd and prospective candidates will have until 4pm on Friday 5th April to submit nomination papers.”
The new council is currently known as a Parish Council, although it is likely the new body would choose to call itself a Town Council. This would be one of the items to debate when it first meets.
“I would like to remind voters that they are required to show an accepted form of photographic ID before being issued with a ballot paper at the polling station,” she added.
Anyone without an accepted form of ID can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate by 5pm Wednesday 24th April to use at the polling station. Full details: www.southkesteven.gov.uk/voterID
There are further deadlines for those who wish to vote in either election.
To take part, residents need to be registered to vote by midnight on Tuesday 16 April. Visit www.gov.uk/register-to-vote and register, particularly those who have recently moved or are turning 18. The website asks for date of birth and National Insurance number in addition to the usual details of name, address, previous address and nationality.
Nomination papers and information packs will be available at the SKDC website from early March here: www.southkesteven.gov.uk/elections2024 or direct from the elections team by calling 01476 406080; email: elections@southkesteven.gov.uk. Staff can also be contacted for information and advice ahead of these dates.
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