Wyndham Park’s new paddling pool opened with a splash last weekend.
Wyndham Park Forum and SKDC unveiled the new facility on May 16 and won the seal of approval from dozens of children and families on its design.
It includes a colourful dedicated traditional paddling area with a modern splash pad design and six play features and fountains, reflecting the most popular concept selected during a consultation exercise in 2013.
Wyndham Park Forum chairman John Knowles welcomed the crowd in attendance before introducing Cllr Bob Adams, Leader of SKDC Conservative Group to open the pool.
Bob thanked the Park Forum, Grantham Rotary Club, WREN and AMG Sport-Play contractors for their support in the project.
Members of the Rotary Club, who generously donated eight new seats around the pool edge, were in attendance and WREN representative Cheryl Raynor, who represented the body that awarded £42,871 towards the £80,000 project.
Members of the public also had a chance to complete a survey on what other features of the park they wish to see revitalised as part of the park’s Heritage Lottery Funding bid.
To have your say visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/wyndhamparkHLF or to request a paper survey call 01476 40 60 80.
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