Between Sunday 10th June and Monday 11th June, a number of areas within the Twyford Woods site have been defaced with Swastikas in silver and white spray paint. This includes a commemorative bench which has been extensively vandalised.
During the Second World War the area was a USAF North Witham air base.
Last week, Lt Col Hamilton is the last surviving Troop Carrier Command pilot from a special operations Pathfinder mission on 5 June, 1944, flown from RAF North Witham, now Forestry England-owned Twyford Wood near Colsterworth, was a guest at the former base.

Police are appealing for witnesses to this vandalism and anyone with any information that can assist with our investigation to contact us in one of the following ways:
- Via 101 quoting incident number 54 of June 10th
- Via the email force.control@lincs.pnn.police.uk quoting incident number 54 of June 10th in the subject line
- By calling Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111

When and if these little bad….s are caught they should be given a horse whipping until the skin on there backs hands in shreds,
They then should have there photos published in the Journal so everyone knows what kind of trash live among them.
No bloody respect little scum bags.