Today is the 80th anniversary of Mallard breaking the steam locomotive speed record, between Stoke and Little Bytham.
It is also five years ago (I still find that hard to believe) since the great machine visited Grantham. Here are just a few photos from that magical weekend in 2013

Visit of Mallard steam engine to Grantham station in September 2013.

Visit of Mallard steam engine to Grantham station in September 2013.

Visit of Mallard steam engine to Grantham station in September 2013.

Visit of Mallard steam engine to Grantham station in September 2013.

Visit of Mallard steam engine to Grantham station in September 2013.

Visit of Mallard steam engine to Grantham station in September 2013.

Visit of Mallard steam engine to Grantham station in September 2013.

Visit of Mallard steam engine to Grantham station in September 2013.

Visit of Mallard steam engine to Grantham station in September 2013.
Model maker

Visit of Mallard steam engine to Grantham station in September 2013.

Visit of Mallard steam engine to Grantham station in September 2013.

Visit of Mallard steam engine to Grantham station in September 2013.

Buffet car at Grantham Station during the September 2013 visit of Mallard
Wow! tis Wonderful! lovely photo’s! & me stuck???? I dunno? Gotta get some digs!!! between Belgium & Germany! Thought I would be back to Amsterdam tonite? ! & seeing great photo’s @ Grantham Station! tell you! Heh! when you down! & been travelling! fore ever! I just too old! for it all!! Fed up! but still not got a home! I tramped Grantham for years! Now in Netherlands & Suffolk’ yer kno’! could cash it all in? an be another!??? Just wouldn’t know what to do or where to go? Just I know Friday I got’ or office got sorted for Mexico! Jeez! I dont wanna go! Me boss! I have to do it! stupid not to! 6 Air-cooled “Maggi Deutz Lumps! set up for generators! & know blokes in? well you know & wants them! & we can commission them? So has to be done! keep tellin her! this the last job!!! They all never ever go as planned! Hey Massive business for sale! I ???? I not sure how others take on who I deal with? Big money! Just??? wish it was a??? Fried Chicken place! yeh & hittin Russia’ & Croatia! & Ukraine! Jeez! just they all need stuff mate? I find it & place it! but Jeez! wish they all not so “paranoid” Our best “Allies” Wow they mess up strait business! “Hey be pleased” when it all a bit better! I @ 66yrs old? still fkin fighting ! & seeing foke ambushed & shot??? Honest! Mess & mess! & could be so so easy? I sayin could be easy??? So many not makin money as we did! Like on???? Jeez! like??? I cant think? Really fat bloke? Steven Seagal! Hey read about him he was the best in the day! He did films haha! how we was! Fkin mess! totally on edgedge! day & nite! fore ever & ever! mess! I me ??Ex Grantham? Ex Perkins o’ Peterboro’ I really know! who not! wants! NEEDS EM! messed? I have to go thro’??? I dunno! to meet & sell these units! They from 1990s! they ok! but honest! the Genny’s be more dodgy than engines! So got fellas from Genoa! Italy! to get these generators going? They reckon they sorted it??? I go with these’ crap engines that working great! haha! & Generators now spot on! Jeez! could make us a fortune! Just ” AC Delco” thingy aint it? Works fore ever if looked after! Need an Angeloni haha!only for 6 weeks! Grantham ad em all mate! & you drivin “kin Busses” & noticing what rest of town doing? to moan at em!Chat gossip top passenger that stood near your drivin bit! & wot you gonna do! Step into Alaska! or??? other not known places! All we know of!!! Needed! Just a Mafia! & still rife man! & mee at 66 ‘ hey all of them islands off west coast? & elsewhere off East Coast! That needs bita! digging & control over some Internet “Rows” ha ha! we pay em off! or! sorta get em on our side! Hey all need bit of help! & we secure & ok! Hey me jackin it! It got too ???? Wow! “Catty” & aint worth it now! We was a help! Going back abroad!
Oh well fell off the wagon again I see! Told you before mate, no good mixing Bourbon & weed! & think of your driver! You must drive her nuts! I spoke to our mate in Essex earlier! he has seen it! He say’s he keeps looking in the Leiston local paper on line for the obituaries! I have sent some texts but not heard back? Loon!
You really have lost me on this one, you are all over the place, get some sleep and then try again.