The first Cabinet meeting of South Kesteven District Council since the recent local elections has taken place and seen the new portfolio holders confirmed in post.
This follows the election of Independent Councillor Richard Cleaver as Leader at the Council’s Annual Meeting when he was supported by Independent, Green, Liberal Democrat and Labour councillors.
The Cabinet portfolios are confirmed as:
Deputy Leader / Finance and Economic Development – Cllr Ashley Baxter
Environment and Waste – Cllrs Rhys Baker and Patsy Ellis
Housing and Planning – Cllr Phil Dilks
Corporate Governance and Licensing – Cllr Philip Knowles
People and Communities – Cllr Rhea Rayside
Leisure and Culture – Cllr Paul Stokes
Cllr Cleaver said: “Our new Cabinet enjoys the benefit of a mix of experienced, long-serving councillors as well as knowledge in special interest areas from some of our newly-elected members.
“I look forward to working with them all as we take South Kesteven forward to best serve the interests of all residents, businesses and visitors.”
The agenda included routine items such as the Local Plan timetable, important to developers and architects as the council does all it can to support its communities and ensure sustainable growth.
Cabinet also awarded a contract for fire compartmentation and safety work arising from its Fire Risk Assessment programme in council housing.
The way refuse collection vehicles will be purchased also required a Cabinet decision, members agreeing to support the county-wide Lincolnshire Framework Agreement.
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