Gareth Davies MP has welcomed two pieces of good news for Grantham Hospital, as it was announced that the United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust (ULHT), which manages the hospital has been taken out of ‘special measures’ following a recent Care Quality Commission report which found widespread improvements across the Trust.
The latest CQC report on our Trust, published last month, increased its ratings for being effective and well-led from ‘Requires Improvement’ to ‘Good’. The rating around safety and responsiveness remained as ‘Requires Improvement’ and the rating for caring remained as ‘Good’
As a result of improvements seen, the CQC recommended that the Trust be moved out of the Recovery Support Programme. It has now been confirmed by NHS England and NHS Improvement that we will exit the Recovery Support Programme with immediate effect.
This news came shortly after the announcement that Grantham is set to receive two new state-of-the-art operating theatres, increasing the operational capacity of the hospital by 50%. These new facilities should be ready for use this summer.
He commented: “I am delighted to hear about this significant new investment in Grantham Hospital. After the hospital’s successes throughout the pandemic, this expansion in capacity will play an important role in allowing patients to access vital procures seven days a week as part of the government’s plans to provide 30% more elective care by 2025.
“it is especially good to hear that some of this capacity is to be set aside for cancer treatments, a purpose that will combine with Grantham Hospital’s new status as a Community Diagnostic Hub, which will help to ensure that hundreds of thousands more people are able to be screened and treated in our town in the coming years.”
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