In celebration of Morrisons 125th Anniversary, the Morrisons Foundation is delighted to launch the
‘Community Spaces Fund’.
The fund will see 125 charities receive a share of £1 million with grants of up to £8,000 each to
enhance community spaces and local facilities, helping them to make a difference for many more
years to come.
To benefit from the fund, charities need to be recommended by one of the supermarket’s
Community Champions. Each Morrisons store has a Community Champion whose role it is to
support local good causes that are close to customers’ hearts. From 17th
June to 13 th July Community Champions will be looking for suitable charities to be considered for support from the fund.
Tina, Community Champion at Grantham said: “The Community Spaces Fund is a great opportunity
for local charities to bid for funding that could improve our community. There are lots of community
spaces and facilities that would benefit from this funding boost. It will be a difficult choice to make,
but I’m excited about the positive impact this fund will make.”
Recommended charities will be invited by their local Morrisons Community Champion to submit an
application by 14th July, with the £1 million give away to the final 125 successful applicants being held at the end of August.
David Scott, Morrisons Foundation Trustee said: “Morrisons has always sought to give back to the
communities it serves. So it’s fitting that as Morrisons celebrates 125 years, the Morrisons
Foundation is launching this special fund which will improve community spaces and local facilities up
and down the country.”
The Morrisons Foundation was set up by Morrisons supermarket in 2015 and awards grants for
charity projects which help improve people’s lives. Since launching, over £41 million has been
donated to hundreds of charities across England, Scotland and Wales.
The Morrisons Foundation
Registered Office: Hilmore House, Gain Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 7DL
Registered charity England and Wales (1160224) and Scotland (SC045634)
Tina, Morrisons Community Champion – Grantham
Email Address: Champion.grantham@morrisonsplc.co.uk
Tel No: 01476 579 595
Adrian Horsley, Corporate Services Advisor – Morrisons Foundation
Email: adrian.horsley@morrisonsplc.co.uk
Tel No: 0845 611 4449
Visit: morrisonsfoundation.com
Follow – Twitter: @morrifoundation #morrisonsfoundation
Facebook: The Morrisons Foundation
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