Registered between 22 and 26 January 2024
You can click on the following link to view the forms and plans of any planning application.
S23/1939 Ropsley Installation of dropped kerb at 14 Somerby Road Ropsley NG33 4AY; Applicant: Miss C Coffey17 Church Lane Ropsley NG33 4DA
S23/2072 Old Somerby Parish Replacement of conservatory with garden room & conversion of garage to utility &workshop. Applicant: Mr & Mrs D AlveyLuarca School Lane Old Somerby NG33 4AG
S23/2105 Castle Bytham Parish: Erection of fence; Applicant: Mr & Mrs Crompton Castle Farm Glen Road Castle Bytham NG33 4RJ
S23/2242 Great Gonerby, Belton and Manthorpe Parish: Residential development of land comprising 7 dwellings and access road on Constables Field, Belton Lane. Applicant: Mr R Lee R Lee Park Homes Ltd Whiteways Barrowby Vale NG32 1EB
S23/2257 Castle Bytham Parish Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of single and two storey extensionto the side and rear, with veranda and balcony; Applicant: Mr & Mrs Gwyn & Lesley Richardson8 Cumberland Gardens Castle Bytham NG33 4SQ-
S23/2303 Grantham Notice in relation to T1 – The Hornbeam, Trimmed back to 3 metres and T2 – TheCedar, to be also trimmed back 3 metres.Applicant: Mrs Irene EdwardsThe Lodge Arnoldfield Court Grantham NG31 8GL
S23/2325 Belton And Manthorpe Parish Section 19 application to vary Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permissionS20/0272 amendments to design; Applicant: Ms A Campbell-MoffatDial Cottage Main Street Belton NG32 2LW
S23/2326 Grantham Variation to condition 5 (lighting) of S21/0178.Applicant: Mr James Nicholls
Eden Tyres & Servicing, Harlaxton Rd Grantham NG31 7SG
S23/2327 Belton And Manthorpe Parish Section 73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of S20/0271Amendments to design; Applicant: Ms A Campbell-MoffatDial Cottage Main Street Belton NG32 2LW
S23/2337 Syston Parish Construction of a bespoke timber and double-glazed garden room to rear elevationof the property as a replacement of an existing conservatory, on the same footprint.Applicant: Mr J CampbellSunny Cottage Minnett’s Hill Barkston NG32 2BU
S23/2359 Colsterworth Parish Section 211 notice in relation to G1 – crown raise row of sycamore that overhangbonfire area to around 6m AGL.Applicant: Mrs Maxfield GullettAxholme Barns 51A Newton Way Woolsthorpe By Colsterworth NG335NP
S23/2368 Allington Parish Single storey rear extension to The Cottage, Bottom Street, Allington NG32 2DT; Applicant: Mr & Mrs Tim BentonNursery House Northgate Sleaford NG34 7BX
S24/0011 Barrowby Parish Section 211 notice in relation to the following on land At Casthorpe Road, Barrowby, NG32 1DP:
T1 – Lime, remove dead wood >30mm diameter. Remove fragile dead wood in proximity of target areas. Sever Ivy to faciliate its removal and allow future inspection.
T2 – Lime, Reduce the height of the tree by approximately 40% of its current height, to lessen any risk of future branch/stem failure in the remaining section of upper crown. Remove dead wood >30mm diameter. Remove fragile dead wood in proximity of target areas. Remove broken/damaged branches.
T3 – Lime, Remove any risk of future failure by reducing the height of tree to th corresponding height of adjacent hedge (approx.2m).
Applicant: Jason Humphreys, Arboricultural Association
S24/0017 Grantham Two storey rear extension and alterations to outrigger roofs; Applicant: Mr & Mrs D Sables 98 Grantley Street Grantham NG31 6BL
S24/0019 Ingoldsby Parish: Lawful Development Certificate for Proposed Use to enlarge existing single garageon the east and south elevation, alterations to the windows and doors to the rear of
the property, erection of timber workshop at Eastgate Main Street Ingoldsby NG33 4EJ; Applicant: Mr Glenn Cryer Cryer Surveying Limited 5 Arnhem Drive Caythorpe Grantham Lincolnshire NG32 3DQ
S24/0029 Grantham Submission of details reserved by Condition 6 (Ground Contamination) of planningpermission S18/1408 at Spittlegate Farm Gorse Lane Grantham NG31 7UF; Applicant: Mr David GoodridgeInvicta Developments LtdC/O Richmond House Main Road Long Bennington Newark NG23 5DJ
S24/0031 Folkingham ParishSection 211 notice to canopy lift of Lime tree T1 to remove protruding branches overgrave stones and remove epicormicgrowth. T2 and T3 – Horse Chestnut – remove lower branches over the church pathand adjacent buildings at 1 Church Lane Folkingham NG34 0SD.Applicant: Mrs Judith Hill, A Mitchell T/A P & P Tree Services, 32 Carre Street Sleaford NG34 7TR
S24/0033 Claypole Parish Submission of details in relation to Condition 7 (Drainage) of Planning PermissionS21/0155 (outline planning permission for upto 4 dwellings, including partialdemolition of existing farmyard) at Orchard Farm Main Street Claypole NG23 5AD;Applicant: J Swallow and othersC/O Agent, McAfee Design Ltd 5 St Andrews Road NG3 5BP
S24/0035 Irnham Parish Change of use of 3m strip of adjacent field to residential garden. Single storeyextension to side and rear, detached double garage to rear and replacement ofwindows. Formation of new driveway access at Lancer Irnham Road, Hawthorpe, PE10 0RY; Applicant: Mrs Wendy HallThe Old Cottage, Irnham Road, Hawthorpe PE10 0RY
S24/0042 Grantham Proposed works and alterations to be conducted at 24 Flat 4 Westgate Grantham NG31 6LX.Applicant: Mr Georgios GalanopoulosKion Properties ltd38, Newburn Street London SE11 5PJ
S24/0045 Horbling Parish Single storey rear extension; Applicant: Mr & Mrs Norris2 Sandygate Court Horbling NG34 0FB
S24/0065 Grantham Change of use of former nursing home to provide a home of multiple occupancy. Applicant: Castlegate House Rest Ltd 49 Castlegate Grantham NG31 6SN
S24/0051 Allington Parish : Fell horse chestnut tree; Applicant: Mark Elgar10 Park Road Allington NG32 2EB
S24/0052 Fulbeck Parish Section 211 notice to remove Leylandi hedge and palm tree; Applicant: Mr David Close,Rosebank ,Scott’s Hill, Fulbeck NG32 3JU
S24/0055 Grantham Creation of secure storage compound including the relocation and replacement ofstorage containers; Applicant: Gareth, British Telecom, Telephone Exchange, Inner Street, Grantham NG31 6JR
S24/0056 Londonthorpe And Harrowby Without Erection of a surface-mounted ancillary industrial building and associated works.Applicant: Spencer WrightPaktronic Engineering Co LtdAlma Park Road Grantham NG31 9SE
S24/0064 Heydour Parish Section 211 notice to remove 3 fruit trees to low stumps.Applicant: Mr Christopher Hazel1 Village Street Oasby NG32 3NB
S24/0061 Long Bennington Parish Lawful development certificate for proposed single storey rear extensionApplicant: Steve Dolby10 The Pastures Long Bennington NG23 5EG
S24/0062 Ancaster ParishProposed single storey side and rear extension, and alterations to windows,following demolition of existing conservatory.Applicant: Diane Gocock6 Charles Avenue Ancaster NG32 3QH
S24/0069 Grantham To vary condition 2 (approved plans and documents) and 5 (waste transferoperations) of planning permission S21/1099 at Tollemach Road South, Grantham; Applicant: Lincolnshire County Council
S24/0070 Harlaxton Parish Proposed residential development of 9 no. 3-bed houses with associated access offThe Drift.Applicant: Mr James Perry Cropston Properties25 Linden Lane Kirby Muxloe LE9 2EG
S24/0072 & S24/0073 Grantham Submission of details required by condition 5 (sustainable building) of S18/1557 (Outline permission for residential development of existing school site to provide 40 dwelling units and associated garaging with approval being sought for access.) on the former Grantham Church High School Queensway Grantham NG31 9RA; Applicant: Mr Liam Edwards, MyPad, The Quadrant Nuart Road Beeston NG9 2NH
S24/0076 Colsterworth ParishSection 211 notice in relation to a Apple Tree – to carry out horticultural prune,focussing on dead, broken, rubbing, crossing, diseased branches and to thin the crown by 25%. Applicant: Mrs Lynn lewis 22 Newton Way Woolsthorpe By Colsterworth NG33 5NR
S24/0077 Heydour Parish Single storey side and rear extension, and installation of new portico to front elevation Applicant: Mr C Hazel1 Village Street Oasby NG32 3NB
S24/0081 Grantham For the installation of hardstanding for open-air storage associated with existing siteoperation and construction of 1.8m high bund. Orange House Swingbridge Road Grantham NG31 7XT; Applicant: Lincolnshire County CouncilCounty Offices Newland Lincoln LN1 1YL
S24/0082 Grantham Submission of details reserved by Condition 3 (Construction Management Plan) of planning permission S23/0091 on land at Trent Road Grantham NG31 7XQ; Applicant: GHL (EV1) Ltd C/O The Agent Jamie Pert Planning Potential Suite 19, 1 Cardale Park Beckwith Head Road Harrogate HG3 1RY
S24/0083 & S24/0084 Harlaxton Parish Single storey rear extension, dormer to rear elevation and porch to front of dwelling.Applicant: Mr & Mrs J McClean56 Swine Hill Harlaxton NG32 1HP
S24/0085 Grantham Extension to dropped kerb to front of propertyApplicant: Mrs Katherine Gibson171 Manthorpe Road Grantham NG31 8DH
S24/0086 Grantham Belton And Manthorpe Parish Porch to front elevation and first floor side extension. Applicant: Mr Ian Parkin19 Rosedale Drive Grantham NG31 8PY
S24/0096 Sedgebrook Parish Two storey front extension.Applicant: Clare1 School Lane Sedgebrook NG32 2ES
S24/0097 Ancaster Parish Ground floor rear extension to 2.5m depth.Applicant: Mr Robert Bushby 19 Brookside Ancaster NG32 3QT
S24/0107 Pickworth Parish Change of use and conversion of the existing agricultural barn and its curtilage to adwellinghouse. Building 2, Pickworth Hall, Folkingham Road, Pickworth NG34 0TJ; Applicant: Gobians No 2 LimitedChapman Lily Planning LtdUnit 5 Designer House Sandford Lane Wareham BH20 4DY
S24/0108 Pickworth Parish Change of use and conversion of the existing agricultural barn and its curtilage to adwellinghouse. Building 3, Pickworth Hall, Folkingham Road, Pickworth NG34 0TJ
Applicant: Gobians No 2 Limited Chapman Lily Planning Ltd Unit 5 Designer House Sandford Lane Wareham BH20 4DY
S24/0110 Pickworth Parish Change of use and conversion of the existing agricultural barn and its curtilage to adwellinghouse. Coach House, Pickworth Hall,, Folkingham Road Pickworth NG34 0TJApplicant: Gobians No 2 LimitedChapman Lily Planning LtdUnit 5 Designer House Sandford Lane Wareham BH20 4DY
S24/0114 Skillington Parish Installation of solar PV to provide clean energy and reduce carbon emissions.Applicant: Mr Lord,Cotswold Farm, Crabtree Road,, Skillington NG33 5AW
S24/0112 Grantham: Single storey side and rear extension to dwelling and associated internal alterations.Applicant: Mrs L Duffy73 Harrowby Road Grantham NG31 9ED
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