Registered between 08 and 12 January 2024
You can click on the following link to view the forms and plans of any planning application.
S23/1156 Belton And Manthorpe Parish Paint existing window frames from dark brown to dark grey. Applicant: Mr Richard Allen 31 Low Road Manthorpe NG31 8NQ
S23/1337 Grantham Erection of a shed and fence. Applicant: Mrs Sharda Gautam Dhakal24 Queensway Grantham NG31 9QD
S23/1460 Harlaxton Parish Retrospective shed to rear garden.: Prof Bryan Gallagher7 Trotters Lane Harlaxton NG32 1JQ
S23/2072 Old Somerby Parish Replacement of conservatory with garden room & conversion of garage to utility & workshop. Applicant: Mr & Mrs D Alvey Luarca School Lane Old Somerby NG33 4AG
S23/2272 South Witham Parish Lawful development certificate for the erection of single storey rear extensionmeasuring 4m by 3.8m built from matching materials Applicant: Mark Lambert44 Coverley Road South Witham NG33 5SP
S23/2290 Swayfield Parish Reduce overall canopy of Ash Tree T10 by 4m. Remove large overhangingbranches on both sides and cut back to main trunk at 20 High Street, Swayfield. Applicant: Keith Tomlinson22 High Street Swayfield NG33 4LL
S23/2346 Grantham : Replacement of 2no. windows at ground floor friont elevation. Applicant: Mr M Willett6-7 St Peter’s Hill Grantham NG31 6QB
S23/2363 Spittlegate Level 2 no. roadside marketing boards. 1no. facing A1 and 1no. facing B1174. At Spittalgate Level, SGrantham. Applicant: Amatrix Grantham Propco Limited C/O The Cumberland Court 80 Mount Street Nottingham NG1 6HH
S23/2364 & 2365 Grantham Change of use and alterations to form 2(no.) dwellings and erection of 4(no.)dwellings (to replace demolished unsafe structure) at rear of 35 Watergate Grantham NG31 6NS; Applicant: Mr D ChantryKerchan Limited33-35 Watergate Grantham Lincolnshire NG31 6NS
S23/2376 Grantham Removal of redundant plant etc from S & E facades.Replanning of os custmer toitets to provide accessble WC including wideneing ofaccess.Raising of kitchen floor to remove trip hazard.Raising of door height to kitchen for safety reasons at 6 Market Place Grantham NG31 6LJ; Applicant: Mr Peter BurrowsLindpet Investments Ltd.Lindpet House 5 Market Place Grantham NG31 6LJ
S24/0004 Londonthorpe And Harrowby Without Parish Submission of details in relation to condition 3 (land contamination) of S23/0552. at Harrowby Farm Yard Hall Lane Harrowby NG31 9HA; Applicant: Mr David ParryCarlin ConstructionLaunder House Launder St Orston NG13 9NT
S24/0009 Grantham : T3 Copper Beech – Reduction of the outer crown.T6 Beech – Full crown reduction is proposed, reducing the overall height by 3m.T16 Horse chestnut (Tree Preservation Order) – Pollard the tree to a maximumheight of 10 metres at Grantham House 45 Castlegate Grantham NG31 6SS; Applicant: Mrs Rachel Walker for and on behalf of NT National TrustCalke Abbey Property Office Ticknall Derby DE73 7LE
S24/0012 South Witham Parish Proposal: 1) rebuild garden wall that is suffering from loss of mortar and cracking stones. Alsoto widen the steps to give a wider access to the lawn, top the wall with stone slabsrather than pantiles. 2) create an additional wall along the front in line with the height of the existing wall,new wall to be topped with stone slabs to match existing wall. Level the soil, whichwill reduce the height of the soil against the house and then level the grass.Applicant: Mr Steve Stanbury14 Church Street South Witham NG33 5PJ
S24/0015 Great Gonerby Parish Single storey side extension. Applicant: Mr David Lockyer 34 Pond Street Great Gonerby NG31 8LL
S24/0018 Great Gonerby Parish Construction of timber framed workshop.Applicant: Mr Brent Wheeler37 Belton Lane Great Gonerby NG31 8NB
S24/0020 Barrowby Parish Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory. Applicant: Rebecca Deaves9 Highfields Barrowby NG32 1BG
S24/0024 Long Bennington ParishFormation of two new openings to the rear gable of the house and first floor rearbalcony. Applicant: Mr Stephen Fisher4 Squires View, Long Bennington NG23 5FX
S24/0037 Castle Bytham Section 211 notice in relation to a 5m reduction in height to Maple tree in reargarden of 5 Glenside. Applicant: Mrs Mitchell5 Glenside Castle Bytham NG33 4SS
S24/0039 Castle Bytham Parish Section 211 notice in relation to a 2m in height and 1m lateral reduction to Cherrytree in front garden and a 4m reduction in height to two Maple trees along front boundary with neighbouring property. Applicant: Mr McLaren 6 Cumberland Gardens Castle Bytham NG33 4SQ
S24/0040 Great Gonerby Parish Single storey side and rear extension and porch at 16 The Knoll Great Gonerby NG31 8JY; Applicant: Mr & Mrs Michael Pike10 The Knoll Great Gonerby NG31 8JY
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