Registered between 07 and 11 August 2023
S23/1106 Harlaxton T1 – remove lowest four branches.Applicant: Mr R Walker12 Manor Drive Harlaxton LNG32 1HU
S23/1130 Hough-On-The-Hill: Removal of existing metal shed, proposed block paving to front and side of barnconversion and new hedgerow.Applicant: Mr & Ms Harris And BrummittWayside Farm Lower Road Hough On The Hill LiNG32 2BB
S23/1162 Barrowby : Change of use from commercial to residential. Converting the Old Post Office backto a residential dwelling, including internal and external alterations at 5 High Road Barrowby NG32 1BH; Applicant: Jonathon King K-Develo Limited Bridge Farm Hubberts Bridge Road Kirton Holme PE201TW
S23/1297 Folkingham Replace windows on front (eastern) elevation, with hard wood, single glaze windows; Applicant: Mr J Hansen13 Market Place Folkingham NG34 0SE
S23/1258 Grantham Change of use of tyre, exhaust retail & fitting unit to sale, storage and fitting of tyres,batteries and exhausts, car servicing and repairs and MOT testing at Selecta Tyres Gonerby Road Grantham NG31 8HE; Applicant: MichelDever Tyre Services LtdAgent: Mr Trevor AylesAyles & Associates Ltd62 Western Way Gosport Hams PO1Z 2NQ
S23/1285 Billingborough Work to leylandii hedge at 11 Low Street Billingborough NG34 0QJ Applicant: Emily MooreCarter Jonas LLP 12 Waterside Way Bedford Road Northampton NN4 7XD
S23/1387 Grantham Works to 2 no lime trees to be re pollarded by 2-5 metres. One may have to bereduced 1 metre past previous pollard due to breakout at 34 Croft Drive Grantham NG31 9EBApplicant: Mr V KentBelvoir Tree Services8 Malim Way Gonerby Hill Foot NG31 8QF
S23/1408 Grantham T1 fell cypress tree, T2 fell a dead pine treeApplicant: Mr J McDonnell6 Welby Gardens Grantham NG31 8BN
S23/1419 Harlaxton T1 – crown raise holly tree to approximately 4 metres, T2 reduce any overhang ofthe beech tree back to the boundary,T3 silver birch remove significant deadwood from the second silver birch tree fromthe left.Applicant: Ms K Avery 20 High Street Harlaxton NG32 1JD
S23/1427 Manthorpe T1 – prune back neighbours purple plum to the boundary line; Applicant: Steph Bishop26 The Old Post Office Low Road Manthorpe NG31 8NQ
S23/1428 Castle Bytham Remove 2 stems on right side of beech tree (T1), one stem on left, reduce height ofremaining stems by 4m, reduce lateral branches by 1.5m to shape crown, removespread of 2 himalayan birches (T2 & T3) overhanging neighbour’s garden back toboundary; Applicant: Applegate4 Water Lane Castle Bytham NG33 4RT
S23/1431 Allington Removal of approx. 1530 metres of self-set hedgerow to prevent future flooding offarmland and improve management of the land at Foston Lane Allington Grantham NG2 2DY; Applicant: Mr R SmithRJS Farms LimitedWhite House Farm Valley Lane Long Bennington NG235EE
S23/1435 Grantham: T1 – Reduce lime by around 25-30% crown raise to around 4m AGL.; Applicant: Ms A Keane16 Lodge Way Grantham NG31 8DD
S23/1440 Little Bytham Change of use of agricultural barn to 2 x residentail dwelling house (C3) at Pilkington’s Farm Witham Road Little NG33 4RD; Applicant: Coups The Grimsthorpe & Drummond Castle trustEstate Office Main Road Grimsthorpe L PE10 0LY
S23/1443 Colsterworth Fell T1 Common Ash FraxinusApplicant: Mr & Mrs M Courtnell55 High Street Colsterworth NG33 5HZ
S23/1444 Billingborough Tag 4222 – Weeping willow re-pollard crown and remove failed branches,Tag 4223 -Weeping willow remove deadwood and failed branches in crown, Tag 4224 – Oak crown clean to remove aerial deadwood at Low Street Paddock Low Street Billingborough NG34 0QJ; Applicant: Emily Moore Carter Jonas LLP 12 Waterside Way Bedford Road Northampton NN4 7XD
S23/1449 Grantham Internal rearrangement and refurbishment, but also minor alterations to the entrancedoor of No.18 High Street, and the creation of an access and two new sliding sashwindows within former blind window openings at the rear of No.19 High Street. Partremoval of 2nd floor extension.Applicant: Mr B WoodGrange Farmyard Main Street Buckminster NG33 5SD
S23/1451 Caythorpe Construction of a replacement residential dwelling at Gorse Hill Farm Gorse Hill Lane Caythorpe; Applicant: Mr Jeremy HaywoodJ Haywood Farm LtdElm Tree Farm Main Street Hougham NG32 2JD
S23/1452 Ropsley Extensions and alterations to existing house. Conversion of existing outbuilding intoa residential annex.Applicant: Mr & Mrs Hicks1 Peck Hill Lincolnshire Ropsley NG33 4BL
S23/1457 Honington Fell holly tree, raise canopy of beech tree; Applicant: Mrs Patricia ThursbyHonington Lodge Main Street, Honington NG32 2PQ
S23/1464 Billingborough Change of use from Salon Retail back to Residential at 4A Chapel Street Billingborough NG34 0QH; Applicant: Mr Matthew GoodwinMAvix Developments Ltd47 Station Rd Morton PE10 0NN
S23/1465 Long Bennington T1 remove and stump grind 3 x prunus avilum trees, T2 crown reduce by 1m mulusdemestica tree;Applicant: Mrs J Thompson5 Hardwick Gardens Long Bennington NG23 5FY
S23/1468 Castle Bytham Felling an old Prunus tree.; Applicant: Benjamin Shrive2 St Martins Castle Bytham NG33 4RH
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