Registered between 26th and 30th June 2023
S23/0980 Bulby : Permanent siting of two field shelters, a hay store and wash box (part retrospective).Applicant: Dr. Susan BevanBulby Equestrian CentreBulby Hall Edenham Road Bulby PE10 0RU
S23/0986 Dry Doddington Section 73 application to remove Condition 2 (agricultural occupancy) ofSK80/0521/91 (Erection of a dwelling).Applicant: Mrs W McCallinClensey House Clensey Lane Dry Doddington NG23 5HT
S23/0999 Grantham : Change of use from offices to 13 bedroom HMo – 75 Commercial Road Grantham NG31 6DEApplicant: Mr J Gill JG Properties Ltd C/o Plan It Design Limited Richmond House NG23 5JR
S23/1054 Allington Section 211 notice to remove Cypress (T1, T2, T3). Applicant: Mrs Anne Jackson, Allington Hall Bottesford Road Allington NG32 2DH
S23/1063 Grantham Section 73 application to vary Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning permissionS23/0091 to reconfigure parking layout and landscaping, reduce number of EVcharging spaces, remove canopy to chargers, and provide 2(no) car wash bays andan additional substation on Land At Trent Road Grantham NG31 7XQ; Applicant: GHL (EV1) Limited C/O The Agent Harrogate HG3 1RY Agent: Jamie Pert nPlanning Potential Ltd Suite 19 1 Cardale Park Beckwith Head Road Harrogate HG3 1RY
S23/1081 Rippingale Installation of air source unit to rear elevation and solar panels to rear roofslope ofannexe; Applicant: Mr T Ray110 Station Street Rippingale PE10 0TA
S23/1103 Corby Glen Compliance with conditions in relation to S18/0452 and S21/1210 at Ferndale House Swinstead Road Corby Glen NG33 4NU; Applicant: Dale MeredithModus Partnerships Ltd
S23/1126 Hough-On-The-Hill Section 211 notice to remove some of the smaller trees.Applicant: Mr L CarleyThe Limes Gelston Road Hough On The Hill NG32 2BQ
S23/1105 Barrowby: Front, side and rear single storey extension to existing property; Applicant: Miss Rebecca LyonScalford Lodge Low Road Barrowby NG32 1DD
S23/1106 Harlaxton T1 – remove lowest four branches.Applicant: Mr R Walker12 Manor Drive Harlaxton NG32 1HU
S23/1124 Fulbeck Erection of 9(no) dwellings, comprising 7(no) affordable dwellings and (2no) open market dwellings; formation of new private drives and associated hard landscaping to provide access from South Heath Lane (Revised submission of S21/1974) on Land North Of South Heath Lane, Fulbeck, Applicant: Ms Alix Fane C/o – LOMAS Architecture Design & Developments Ltd 36 Lodge Lane Nettleham LN2 2RS
S23/1137 & 1138 Folkingham Proposed conversion of detached outbuilding into Caretakers annexe, addition ofsecond storey with solar panels to roof and cladding to façade; Applicant: Mr & Mrs M. Hind Junior & M. HindLow Farm Spring Lane Folkingham NG34 0SJS23/1158 Corby Glen Telecoms Notification for 1 x 9m telegraph pole at Tanners Lane Corby Glen NG33 4NAApplicant: Praneetha BabburiOpenreach
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