Registered between 30 December 2024 – 3 January 2025
S24/1905 Grantham Proposed update of property interior to form 2 dwellinghouses at 10 Swinegate Grantham NG31 6RJ; Applicant: Dr Fawad AshrafSBK Property Services Ltd, 101 Barrowby Gate Grantham NG31 8RB
S24/1937 Barrowby Parish Proposed first floor side and front extension at 20 Westry Corner Rocking Horse House The Drift Barrowby NG32 1DF. Applicant: Mr Anthony Padovano33 Low Road Barrowby NG32 1DB
S24/1971 Belton And Manthorpe Parish Single storey rear extension. Regularisation of replacement windows to side andrear.Applicant: Mr D Smith9 Main Street Belton NG32 2LW
S24/2104 Swinstead Parish: Non-material amendment to planning approval S24/1648 for the reconfiguring offrontage to allow additional parking space at April Cottage 30 High Street Swinstead NG33 4PA; Applicant: Mr James PriestleyLangstaff Property Developments UK Ltd51 Glen Road Castle Bytham NG33 4RJ
S24/2111 Barrowby Parish: Single storey side extension. Applicant: Mr Darren Reed 43 Electrical Ltd. Alberic Cottage Low Road Barrowby NG32 1DD
S24/2116 Grantham Earlesfield Erection of two-storey rear extension and removal of existing wooden canopy.Applicant: Mr Piotr Olbrys21 Oakleigh Road Grantham NG31 7NN
S24/2124 Caythorpe Parish: Section 211 notice to remove damaged branches from large Conifer.Applicant: Mr Mark Dean12 Frieston Road Caythorpe NG32 3BX
S24/2127 Grantham St Wulfram’s Submission of details reserved by Condition 3 (materials), Condition 4 (doors,windows, roof lights) and Condition 5 (lime mortar) of Listed Building ConsentS23/2365. Applicant: Mr Darren ChantryKerrchan Limited35 Rear Of Watergate Grantham NG31 6NS
S24/2134 Grantham Arnoldfield, Peascliffe and Ridgeway Ward Great Gonerby Parish Proposed single storey flat roof parapet extension to rear.Applicant: Pete Russell9 Brendon Close Grantham NG31 8FU
S24/2164 Marston Parish Proposed relocation of existing tower : Work to overhead lines at Gonerby Moor.
S24/2165 Westborough And Dry Doddington Parish Proposed relocation of existing tower at Ease Land, Westborough.Applicant: James PernaSavillsLismore House 32 Miller Road Ayr KA7 2AY
S24/2232 Westborough And Dry Doddington Parish Proposed relocation of existing tower at Ease Land, Westborough.Applicant: James PernaSavillsLismore House 32 Miller Road Ayr KA7 2AY
S24/2149 Denton Parish Erection of five bar gate and posts, installation of hardstanding and demolition ofexisting garage.Applicant: Mr & Mrs J ClarkChapel Gate Main Street Denton NG32 1JW
S24/2158 Grantham Harrowby Compliance with conditions 11 (estate roads), 12 (drainage works) and 13 (roadsand footways) of planning permission S18/1557 – Outline permission for residentialdevelopment of existing school site to provide 40 dwelling units and associatedgaraging with approval being sought for access at former Grantham Church High School Queensway Grantham NG31 9RA; Applicant: Miss Emily Farr MyPad Ltd The Quadrant Nuart Road Beeston Nottingham NG9 2NH
S24/2159 Caythorpe Parish Section 211 notice to remove Rowan & Beech trees, replacement tree to be planted (red ring). Applicant: Mr Andrew Waller 20 Chapel Lane Caythorpe NG32 3EG
S24/2160 Caythorpe Parish Section 211 notice to remove Monkey Puzzle (Araucaria Araucana) tree,replacement tree to be planted in suitable location.Applicant: Mrs Lesley Godson 21 Church Lane Caythorpe NG32 3DU
S24/2162 Grantham St Wulfram Submission of details reserved by Condition 3 – Archaeology, Condition 5 -Construction Management Plan, Condition 6 – Historic Building Record, Condition 7 -Materials, Condition 8 – Hard Landscaping and Condition 10 – Surface and fouldrainage of planning permission S23/2364.Applicant: Mr Darren ChantryKerrchan Limited35 Rear Of Watergate Grantham NG31 6NS
S24/2187 Ropsley Parish: Non-material amendment for planning permission S21/2532 (Erection of a detacheddwelling) proposed changes to external materials on land To The Rear Of 23-25 Grantham Road Ropsley NG33 4BX.Applicant: Mr R Offer35 Riverside Place Stamford PE9 2DX
S24/2192 Ancaster Parish Non-material amendment to planning approval S22/0226 in relation to revisions towindow material types, roof light quantity reduced and positions changed, windowsomitted, position of door and window altered at Glebe Farm Main Street Sudbrook NG32 3RZ.Applicant: Mr & Mrs T WilliamsC/O Plan It Design Limited Richmond House Long Bennington NG23 5JR
S24/221 Long Bennington Parish Application for approval of reserved matters relating to layout, scale, appearanceand landscaping for the erection of up to 50 dwellings pursuant to outline planning permission S20/0775 on land West Of Main Road Long Bennington Applicant: Mr John DerhamArkwood DevelopmentsNewark And Sherwood District Council Castle House Great North Road Newark NG24 1BY
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