Bernard ‘Bunt’ De’Ath passed away peacefully at Newton House Care Home on Wednesday 31st July 2024. He was 90. Bunt’s funeral will take place at 11.30am on Thursday 22nd August 2024 at Grantham Crematorium. Family flowers only, donations in Bunt’s memory are for Dementia UK and can be given at the service or forwarded to: Robert Holland Funeral Director, 14 St. Catherine’s Road. Mr De’Ath was a popular local sportsman who played cricket for Buckminster for many years and won a national award when they played in the quarter finals of the old Haig trophy, just two games from a Lords final . He also played darts for the Blue Horse at Ponton and Fighting Cocks at Corby Glen. He also boxed in his youth, winning 20 of his 21 amateur fights. He worked for Coles , Steelweld and Christian Salvesens. |
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